The Isomind Programme has the potential to help change your life for the better- but you need to do the work. For me, the idea of finding time to float twice a week sounded incredible- and impossible. Time-wise, I was just scraping by… it felt like all of my time was already reserved for dealing […]

Chocolate massage takes something wonderful to a whole new level w/ a luxurious chocolate massage cream rich in cocoa, shea butter, avocado oil and jojoba oil. The cream is a powerhouse designed to help tighten the skin & restore its natural healthy glow. Pure dark chocolate is full of plant compounds called flavonoids, which are pretty […]

Why getting yourself a float membership is the best thing you can do this Christmas… 🎁 TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF to TAKE CARE OF THEM: Be honest – how many years in a row have you worked yourself into feeling sick, tired + frustrated? Wouldn’t it be awesome if you didn’t do that in 2020?! […]

Many people are blown away and left a bit speechless by their first (or first few) floats, often because it’s such a unique environment and the sensory deprivation involved, your body and mind are able to relax deeper than ever before. But that’s really just the beginning of what floating (or floatation therapy) can do […]

Why You Should Get Mom a Float For Mother’s Day    “What should I get my mother for mother’s day?” “What should I buy mum that she will actually like?” and “Unique gifts for mother’s day 2019” are all sitting in my recent search history. My mother is notoriously hard to get gifts for- Jewelry makes […]

They say that sleep is important. I couldn’t agree more. As a lifelong insomniac, I know how difficult it can be to function on meager moments of sleep per night, for many nights in a row. I would love to change this, but after years of trying to develop healthy sleeping habits, In search of sleep, I’ve […]

So I’ve had quite a few floats now and I’ve noticed that each one is a little different, ranging from “supreme out of this world” relaxation, to my coveted “didn’t know I knew the answer to that” productivity, and everything in between. Sometimes a float session will help me out of a creative slump, other times it will […]

Discover what’s on the other side of the mind chatter. Take control of your mind in a floatation tank and experience deep meditation.

Take a minute and listen to the words of an experienced floater… Evan is a true believer in floatation therapy and has floated for 30 years.

Further Reading: