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12 Water St, Grafton, Auckland 1023

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The floatation training manuals (aka our blog)

Consider this page the floatation training manuals – while you don’t need any foreward before jumping into a tank, there’s a wealth of information and research out there on the effects it has on the body and the mind. Read on…

We’re living at the historical peak of cultural sexual saturation. Pop culture, advertising and the all-mighty dollar have commodified the sexual experience to the extent that a home-made porno is just another check on a typical celebrity resume. Meanwhile, pharmaceutical companies worth more than our country build fortunes on the flaccid genitalia of millions and, […]

“When one or more senses are restricted, the sensitivity of the others senses is expanded.” – The Book of Floating by Michael Hutchison The floatation tank makes use of this sensory deprivation effect to bring about a gentle, pleasant, controllable, and temporary shift in consciousness in anyone who floats. This shift in consciousness is healthy, […]

There are many studies showing the benefits of floating in an isolation tank on both mind and body, and I suggest you go do some research into these studies yourself. However, here are some interesting facts that I have found so far in my research on the effects of the flotation tank experience. Ok, let’s […]

To most people, the idea of floating in a tank at Float Culture connotes feelings of calm, serene silence, quiet introspection and the occasional moment of epiphany. The aesthetic of the whole experience is undeniably flavored by Zen influence; it seems like the sort of place you’d go if you had to figure out the […]

In my first float I had no idea what to expect. I was a little apprehensive yet curious. As I got settled in the tank I quickly became confronted by fear. It arrived in the form of the darkness and unfamiliarity of the tank itself, but soon I realised that it was inside of me, […]