Mon to Fri 10am – 10pm
Sat & Sun 8am – 10pm
12 Water St, Grafton, Auckland 1023
I’m relatively new to float tanks but the idea of them has intrigued me ever since hearing about them on a Joe Rogan podcast. What makes it so interesting is you begin to think, “I wonder what weird stuff is going to happen if I shut my eyes and ears off and lose all sense […]
Read moreWhy getting yourself a float membership is the best thing you can do this Christmas… 🎁 TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF to TAKE CARE OF THEM: Be honest – how many years in a row have you worked yourself into feeling sick, tired + frustrated? Wouldn’t it be awesome if you didn’t do that in 2020?! […]
Read moreAuckland’s creative professionals turn into floating to manage stress, reduce anxiety and boost creativity. Watch this video to see why Alex from Mukpuddy floats regularly.
Read moreRestless nights, fever dreams and unsatisfactory dozes. We all know what it feels like to get a bad night’s rest, some of us too well. Some of us way too well, for way way way too many nights in a row. A lack of sleep builds up. It wears on your body, it wears on […]
Read moreIn the search for sleep, insomniac Rebecca Isemonger entered the tank for three sessions at Float Culture. The benefits she discovered, however, were much more than just catching a couple of z’s. There may be a rover on Mars, but scientists still don’t know why we sleep. Whether for the purpose of information consolidation, cellular […]
Read moreI first introduced floatation and meditation into my life a few years ago, and have watched myself progress through many personal lessons and developments. I have seen radical shifts in my mood, my emotional intelligence and general awareness, and a lot of this I owe to the insights and serenity I have been able to […]
Read moreWe’re living at the historical peak of cultural sexual saturation. Pop culture, advertising and the all-mighty dollar have commodified the sexual experience to the extent that a home-made porno is just another check on a typical celebrity resume. Meanwhile, pharmaceutical companies worth more than our country build fortunes on the flaccid genitalia of millions and, […]
Read moreAll Welcome! Obviously, there are still some concerns around the Coronavirus. Let me put your mind at ease here. Firstly, COVID-19 is not a water-borne disease. Even if it were, the high salinity levels of the float pod are inhospitable to bacteria, including microbes and other pathogens, 99.5% of diseases can’t survive in this environment. […]
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