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How to use float therapy to train better, recover faster + improve your performance

How to use float therapy to train better, recover faster + improve your performance

Written by Anton 03.08.2020

Training for marathons is about more than just practising your muscles, am I right? It’s about the whole picture- making sure your body is healthy, that your mindset is right, and that you’re preventing problems before they set you back. 

Adding Float therapy to your training routine can help get the most from your effort- allowing you to use relaxation to train smarter, recover faster and reduce injury. 

What is floating and how can it help: the float tank is your gateway to rest and recovery. 

In your very own room, you’ve got your very own float tank to relax into… in it, 500 kgs of Epsom salt is mixed with skin temperature water to create a restful ‘gravity-free environment’. You float right on the salty water with zero input from yourself (no swimming skills necessary!), effortlessly creating the ultimate holiday for the muscles and joints working so damn hard to get to your goal‍.

With that much Epsom salt (aka magnesium sulphate) in the tank, you are literally floating in magnesium. Muscle relaxing, health-promoting magnesium. 🤩

What happens during a float session: Inside the tank is distraction-free. Without lights, sounds, tasks or cellphones, your body can finally get a proper rest, and it SO deserves it! 

Also, you know that pain-inducing lactic acid that builds up in your muscles after you’ve been training hard? It’s dramatically reduced within an hour-long session. Less pain + muscle soreness slowing us down?! Win!

Train better: Obviously you’re using great tools to train your body, but have you ever tried using visualization techniques to mentally plan a big win?

If so, you have that in common with some of the world’s top athletes. Here in Auckland, Olympic competitors, UFC fighters, long-distance runners are amongst the athletes who have come into Float Culture + used the tank to get their mental programming just right. 

Recover faster: When you push yourself past your limits, how long are you usually out of the game? A few studies have been done (including at Waikato university here in NZ) which show that floating can help the muscles recover faster, and it’s no surprise…

Magnesium + deep relaxation + blissful freedom from gravity = recipe for speedy healing, no?!

Prevent injury: How many times have you heard that muscle tension causes injury? Probably heaps, right? Most likely heaps and heaps. Floating provides the most legendary environment for tight muscles +  knots to loosen up a bit. 

The distraction-free environment also gives you a prime opportunity to tune into your body and catch injuries before they become a problem. In the tank, you are more aware of what’s happening in your body + athletes can utilize this to adjust their training around a strain or pain before it becomes a major setback.

What’s the best way to add regular floating into my training routine: The most fun + affordable way to float is most definitely the monthly membership. But if you’ve never floated before, you might prefer to start with the 3 float package, as it is low on the commitment, high on the benefit 🙂 

Whether it’s for mental preparation, physical recovery or experiencing relaxation for the sake of your brain- adding regular floating into your training routine might just be what it takes to make this game/race/competition your new personal best.

Further Reading: