Mon to Fri 10am – 10pm
Sat & Sun 8am – 10pm
12 Water St, Grafton, Auckland 1023
Auckland’s Shane Young is the current XFC featherweight champion. A veteran of upward of 15 fights across multiple disciplines, Young is one of the many pro fighters taking advantage of floatation therapy to complement their training. After his first float in 2014 Young has since become a devotee of the tank, using it as a […]
Read moreMany people are blown away and left a bit speechless by their first (or first few) floats, often because it’s such a unique environment and the sensory deprivation involved, your body and mind are able to relax deeper than ever before. But that’s really just the beginning of what floating (or floatation therapy) can do […]
Read moreFolks at Waikato University recently took a closer look at Float Tanks & how they might improve your athletic performance + help muscle recovery (Flotation-restricted environmental stimulation therapy improves sleep and performance recovery in athletes). In this small study, they compared floating to passive recovery. They found Floating had a positive impact on: muscle recovery […]
Read moreDiscover what’s on the other side of the mind chatter. Take control of your mind in a floatation tank and experience deep meditation.
Read moreI’m relatively new to float tanks but the idea of them has intrigued me ever since hearing about them on a Joe Rogan podcast. What makes it so interesting is you begin to think, “I wonder what weird stuff is going to happen if I shut my eyes and ears off and lose all sense […]
Read moreIn February 2015 I was made redundant from a job that had got me through most of my uni years. I had a month to find a job that would work with my busy uni schedule and cover my living expenses. Week three into the search and a week before my 23rd birthday I was beginning […]
Read moreWe live in a hyperconnected world where we connect with more people and things than ever before, causing our attention to be glued to our phones and PC screens. We share our experiences literally with thousands of people in an instant, but often it feels that something is missing like it’s not enough. Despite all […]
Read moreThe Isomind Programme has the potential to help change your life for the better- but you need to do the work. For me, the idea of finding time to float twice a week sounded incredible- and impossible. Time-wise, I was just scraping by… it felt like all of my time was already reserved for dealing […]
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