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Mon to Fri 10am – 10pm

Sat & Sun 8am – 10pm

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12 Water St, Grafton, Auckland 1023

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09 281 46 48 info@floatculture.co.nz

The floatation training manuals (aka our blog)

Consider this page the floatation training manuals – while you don’t need any foreward before jumping into a tank, there’s a wealth of information and research out there on the effects it has on the body and the mind. Read on…

Many people are blown away and left a bit speechless by their first (or first few) floats, often because it’s such a unique environment and the sensory deprivation involved, your body and mind are able to relax deeper than ever before. But that’s really just the beginning of what floating (or floatation therapy) can do […]

“Sooo, why not just take a bath?!” I frequently get asked this when I start gushing about floating (or sensory deprivation, or isolation tanks or floatation therapy, or whatever the kids are calling it these days) The answer, my friends, is multi-faceted…. It includes the fact that my bathwater gets cold and 500 kgs of […]

Why You Should Get Mom a Float For Mother’s Day    “What should I get my mother for mother’s day?” “What should I buy mum that she will actually like?” and “Unique gifts for mother’s day 2019” are all sitting in my recent search history. My mother is notoriously hard to get gifts for- Jewelry makes […]

I walked into my very first float with a lot of expectations. I was excited and a bit apprehensive, I had devoured every bit of information available on the world wide web. I had crawled YouTube & Facebook and spent many minutes googling things like: “What is Floating?” “Why is floating good for me?” and […]

They say that sleep is important. I couldn’t agree more. As a lifelong insomniac, I know how difficult it can be to function on meager moments of sleep per night, for many nights in a row. I would love to change this, but after years of trying to develop healthy sleeping habits, In search of sleep, I’ve […]

So I’ve had quite a few floats now and I’ve noticed that each one is a little different, ranging from “supreme out of this world” relaxation, to my coveted “didn’t know I knew the answer to that” productivity, and everything in between. Sometimes a float session will help me out of a creative slump, other times it will […]

A Float Session One of the most unique gifts you can give someone is the gift of nothing! We’re serious. You can give your loved one the joy of experiencing nothingness in the form of weightlessness and silence inside a floatation tank, designed to alleviate stress, boost creativity, release muscle tension and simply improve their […]

Discover what’s on the other side of the mind chatter. Take control of your mind in a floatation tank and experience deep meditation.

Floatation Therapy has been used to help athletes and health-conscious individuals to accelerate physical recovery. Rosie is a contemporary dancer and uses floating to recover.